One of my responsibilities as Core Director of Children's Ministry is to regulary visit our campuses to evaluate, encourage, and equip our Children's Ministry leaders. I carry this role along with being the Director at our Gardens campus. Three weekends ago I visited our Royal Palm campus. It is one of the largest simulcast campuses in the nation with over 5,000 people attending on weekends. We have a great children's ministry team at Royal Palm led by my friend Charlotte Allison. Charlotte came to us from Flamingo Road Church in Fort Lauderdale a few months ago and is doing a great job. I taught in the K-3rd grade environment at all services. The room was packed with kids excited about God.
The campus meets in a renovated Target store. It has a very cool vibe and we are reaching tons of young families at that campus. We are in the process of creating more children's space so we can continue to reach more children and families.
Way to go Royal Palm team!
Royal Palm Campus
8:47 PM