1 Week Out!

We open our new children's building one week from tomorrow. Lots of progress has been made. Still a ton of stuff to finish up in the next week. It's an honor to serve in a church that is making such a huge investment in children.

4-5th grade game room

Entrance into 1-3 grade worship room

hallway view from second floor

Kind room

Wall decor in 1-3 grade room

stage in 1-3

stage in 1-3

2nd floor of stage in 1-3

1-3 stage - 13' x 9' video wall behind panels - unlimited scenery change possibilities thru video imaging

gas pump for outside Kind room

Noah's Arkade video game room

Paul's Pizzeria - volunteer suite

Gift shop for kids

Entrance into 4-5 room

Small Group booths for 4-5 / table tops will be added this week

4-5 room

decor above 4-5 stage

hallway - check in kiosks

preschool hallway

preschool hallway

preschool hallway

new toys and play items for preschool rooms