What Would Your KidMin's Tip Be?

My wife and I had lunch today at Olive Garden. It was a great experience.

Why? Because of the incredible service of our waitress. Brooke greeted us with a smile and cheerful spirit. She was prompt to keep our glasses filled (I drink a lot of peach tea). But more importantly, she was was genuinely interested in serving us and meeting our needs.

Her people skills and customer service were off the charts. At the end, she brought us the infamous black book. When I opened it, the bill was $19 and some change. And...there was this card.

We asked her if all the waiters/waitresses took the time to write a personal note? She smiled and said, "No, there's a stack of the cards available, but no one else uses them. I just like to do it to add a personal touch." She thanked us for coming and it wasn't rote, it was from the heart. How did we know? It's something you can't fake.

We usually tip the 15-18% norm. But not this time. The tip was 100%. We gave her a $20 tip on a $19 bill. Why? Because her spirit and service made our day. I wrote a note to the manager that said, "Our lunch was a great experience because of Brooke. It's people like her that make a company great."

As we were driving home, I thought to myself, "If our kidsmin was a restaurant, I wonder if our service and care for people would warrant a 100% tip?" Sometimes I think our kidmin hits the mark in this area and other times we don't. Every week we strive to improve. We've got a ways to go, but we're gaining ground.

This weekend a new family will walk into my church and your church. What will their experience be? Brooke taught me a lesson about caring for people. I'll be sharing the card with our team. We'll discuss how we can make people feel more loved and valued when they come.

We'll talk about how the payoff is much more than a $20. It's knowing God used you to reach out and impact a kid...a family...with the love and message of Jesus Christ.

Thanks Brooke. Our team will be better because of your example!

Posted by Dale Hudson