This past weekend, I took some of our Early Childhood staff to visit three churches in the Dallas area. I enjoy going to conferences for ideas and inspiration, but I also get just as much out of visiting churches that are getting the job done and making an impact in their community. We picked up some great ideas from these three great churches. Today's post is about the third church we visited.
Fellowship Church in Dallas has one of the most amazing children's ministries on the planet. They are the creators of Elevate curriculum. My friend Mike Johnson and his team have raised the bar high when it comes to excellence in children's ministry.
We got so many ideas that I won't be able to fit them in one blog post. So, for the next week or so I'm going to post one or two, maybe three ideas on weekdays until I get them all covered. Here's idea #4.
This sign was in the children's hallway. I have found the stat on this sign to be true in churches across the country. The average family is attending worship once or twice a month. How do we communicate to parents the importance of bringing their children on a regular basis?
This sign communicates this very message to parents. Jason told me they are also starting to call families when they miss two weeks in a row. Both of these are great ideas to encourage families to attend more regularly.
I'll post the next idea on Monday. Have a great weekend.