As we seek to partner with parents, it's important to know the different types of parents we are reaching out to.
Amy Chua,Yale Law Professor, has just introduced a new inductee into the extreme parent category. They're called Tiger Parents. Amy, who was raised in a traditional Chinese home, talks about her upbringing in this type environment. In her book "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother" she says Tiger Parents are characterized by...
- An obsession with their child's success. Many times defined as achievement in precision-oriented fields like music and math.
- Prohibiting grades lower than an A.
- Not allowing time with friends.
- Making statements like, "If next time's not perfect, I'm going to take all your stuffed animals and throw them in the trash."
- Operate in a culture of discipline.
- View children as tough, able to take the abuse.
- Extreme, rigid, and authoritarian approach.
- Doesn't consider anything fun unless you're good at it.
- Believes children should not be sheltered from dangers, disappointments, or harsh critics.
- Uses negative reinforcement.
- Has a long list of do's and don'ts.
- Requires advancement work during holidays and summer time.
- Were you raised in this type of environment?
- What are your thoughts on this style of parenting? Do you agree? Disagree? What are the positives? What are the negatives?
- Do you have parents in your ministry who fit into this category?
- What advice or parenting tips would you offer to Tiger Parents in your ministry?
- How would you approach partnering with and equipping Tiger Parents to be the primary spiritual leaders of their children?
Posted by Dale Hudson