Humble Pie...Need a Slice?

"Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time He may exalt you."
I Peter 5:6

Humility. I think it's something we all need to work on. In fact, if you think you're're probably not.

I challenged our staff team about this area this past week...both personally and as a team. I shared with them...
  • The way up is down. If you humble yourself, God will lift you up in His time. And...if we, as a team, humble ourselves...God will lift us up in His time.
  • Stay teachable...for a lifetime. Leaders are always in school. You never arrive.
  • Listen more than you talk. God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason.
  • Are you bragging or bagging? Instead of bragging to others about your accomplishments, be bagging knowledge, ideas, and input from others.
  • Let's keep a list of things we need to improve on as a team. And's a long list.
  • Let's not keep our eyes on how many people are attending our church...but on how many are not attending our church. We are surrounded by thousands of people who do not know Jesus. We're just getting started.
  • Need some humble pie? Here's 50 slices to choose from. These came from Mike King at
    1. Use the response “It’s My Pleasure” when someone thanks you for doing something.
    2. Use the response “I’d be honored” when someone asks you to help them or do something with them.
    3. Listen more than you talk.
    4. Count to 3 before adding to a conversation to ensure the other person is done.
    5. Be willing to follow another person in conversation even if you don’t get to talk about your idea.
    6. Always offer to improve someone else’s idea and give them credit.
    7. Give credit for other’s ideas that you are carrying through on.
    8. Ask others for the opinion of others.
    9. Ask others to join conversations and contribute. 
    10. It’s OK to be wrong and so admit it. 
    11. Admit when you don’t understand or know something.
    12. Appreciate others who learn something quickly and say so.
    13. Be quick to apologize when you do something wrong.
    14. Study moral principles.
    15. Use moral principles to guide you.
    16. You are God’s creation, not your own.
    17. Recognize your talents as gifts, not your own ability.
    18. Know how your skills have only be developed by the help of others.
    19. Share your own knowledge to pass on what you have learned.
    20. Pass on thanks when you receive it to those who helped you achieve what was thanked.
    21. Value other people’s time as much as your own.
    22. Never equate time spent with people to a dollar value.
    23. Don’t boast about your achievements, let others recognize them instead.
    24. Keep your goals to yourself.
    25. Help other people with their goals.
    26. Realize the potential in others.
    27. Know that timing is everything and everyone excels at different times in life.
    28. Being the 1st follower is often the best way to lead.
    29. Since winning isn’t everything, you don’t have to win.
    30. Recognize that you have faults.
    31. Remember you are a sinner, as we all are.
    32. Ignore first impressions of people.
    33. Give others the benefit of the doubt.
    34. Provide positive and encouraging feedback instead of criticism.
    35. Make a choice to act more humbly.
    36. Practice at least one humble act each day.
    37. Be grateful for successes without boasting about them.
    38. Know how to accept praise with a simple thank you, don’t elaborate on it or talk more about it.
    39. Recognize the individualism of others and yourself, there is no need to conform.
    40. Share your core values and live them accordingly regardless of the circumstances.
    41. Prioritize things in your life and rate your actions on whether to followed that priority or not.
    42. Rate other people as first, be less significant.
    43. Forgive those who wrong you and move on without revenge or lashing back.
    44. Serve others and not yourself first.
    45. Seek wisdom, which is knowledge of what is true coupled with just judgment of action.
    46. Recognize and know that you know little and there is always more to learn.
    47. Avoid explosive reactions, and subside any aggression.
    48. Accept new ideas and change, not being stuck on what you knew before.
    49. Teach all that you can for the benefit of others.
    50. Learn from and model the life of the most humble man known in history, Jesus!
Posted by Dale Hudson