The Social Media Revolution (2) and the Implications for KidMin

The Social Media Revolution. It''s not a fad, it's a major shift that is changing everything. Are you ready for it? Are you effectively shifting with it? Below is a recently released video that has major implications for the KidMin world. 

Below are also some thoughts I had as I watched it. As you watch it, what implications do you believe it has for KidMin? Would enjoy hearing your insight. 
  • We can connect with the world faster than ever. What a great opportunity we have to network, share ideas, and collaborate with other KidMin peeps around the world. We must be intentional about reaching out to other KidMin leaders through social media. KidMin help and advice is now just a click away.
  • Over 50% of the world pop is under 30. We have a huge opportunity to reach and disciple the next generation. We must not miss what God has called us to do while their hearts are open and receptive to becoming Christ Followers.
  • 96% of millennials are part of a social network. Social media is the #1 activity on web. We must go where people are to communicate effectively with them. Our KidMins should have a Facebook page, use twitter to connect with our leaders, have a Facebook parent page, and more.
  • 80% of companies use social media as recruitment. Use your KidMin Facebook page to encourage your leaders to invite others to join the team. Spread the word about service opportunities through this avenue.
  • Gen Y and Z consider email passe. Should we be shifting away from email and to social media as our primary communication vehicle with our leaders and families?
  • Youtube is the second largest search engine on the web. How about moving some of your leadership training to Youtube? How about Child Dedication teaching as well? How about lessons from the previous week that parents can watch at home with their kids?
  • Kindle books outsold paper books this past Christmas. Does this mean that in a few years kids will be bringing digital Bibles to church instead of paper ones?
  • 24/25 of the largest newspapers are experiencing record declines. You communicate better, faster, and more effectively when you communicate digitally. Should we move from paper communication pieces to digital communication for parents? 

The shift is here. Are we shifting with it?
What is keeping churches/Kidmins from making the shift?
What are some steps we can take to adjust the way we do ministry?
What are some things you are doing to make the shift?

Posted by Dale Hudson