So what does it look like? Here are some of the key elements that happen.
- Prayer - We spend time praying for each other. We spend time praying for the kids, families, and volunteers. We spend time praying for our church and leaders. We spend time seeking God's face for wisdom and direction.
- Bible Study - We study God's Word together.
- Worship - We spend time worshiping God through song.
- Core Values - We review our core values and the importance of living by them.
- Spiritual Growth and Health - We have someone come in and pour into the team spiritually.
- Professional Growth - We have someone come in and help the team grow as leaders.
- Team Building. We do fun, team building activities.
- Goal Review - We look at our goals for the year and how much progress we are making toward reaching them. We identify barriers that are keeping us from reaching our goals and develop ways to remove those barriers.
- Ministry Evaluation - We carefully look at everything we do. What is working? What is not working? What needs to be tweaked? Changed? Dropped? Started?
- Strategic Planning - We plan out the coming year. Everything is carefully placed to be a step toward our end goals.
- Food. Good food and lots of it.
- Fun and Laughter. We do something fun together like bowling, laser tag, scavenger hunt, etc.
If you'd like a copy of our agenda for the two days, feel free to contact me at and I'll be glad to email you a copy.
What elements do you incorporate on a staff retreat? Would enjoy hearing your ideas.
Posted by Dale Hudson