4 Questions About Children's Ministry

My friend, Matt Wright, who is the Children's Pastor at Family Worship Center in Carrollton, Ky., recently sent me these four questions. They are great questions to ponder if you are in Children's Ministry. Below are my thoughts. Would enjoy hearing your thoughts on these questions. You can post them in the comment section below.

What 3 resources (book, magazine, newsletter, speaker, etc...) have you found to be the most practical and impacting on your journey in children’s ministry?   

Outside of the Bible...it would be....
  1. Creating Ever Cool...A Marketer's Guide to a Child's Heart by Gene Del Vecchio (book)
  2. Next Generation Leader by Andy Stanley (book)
  3. Axiom by Bill Hybels (book)

What 3 resources do you provide to parents as tools to help their children live out their faith outside the church building? 
  1. Parent Connection take home paper with questions, activities, and discussions from the weekend lesson so the conversation and discipleship can continue during the week.
  2. Parent Facebook page which includes downloads, a monthly video, and more.
  3. Texting - weekly texts sent out with key discussion questions, verses, truths, etc.
If you were starting a children’s ministry from scratch, what steps would you take to build influence with your parents?  
  1. A personal touch each weekend. I spend the weekend connecting with parents face-to-face before and after the service.
  2. Parent focus groups. Bring in groups of 6-8 parents on a regular basis and get their honest feedback, evaluation, and ideas on how to make the children's ministry and partnership more effective.
  3. Partner with adult ministries and lead a parenting class.
  4. Intentionally partner with them at times like child dedication, baptism, pre-teen passage, etc.
  5. Over communication...everything. 
  6. Follow through and keep your commitments. When you tell them you are going to do something, make sure you keep your word.

What methods have you found to be the most effective when communicating to parents?  
  1. Texting (98% of texts get read).
  2. Face-to-face. 
  3. Facebook page. 
  4. Phone. 
  5. Monthly parenting video sent out.
  6. Email.
  7. Weekly take home paper.
  8. Weekend bulletin.   

Posted by Dale Hudson