Excuses are something we hide behind when we're not moving forward. It's easy to rest in the quagmire of excuses and convince ourselves that it can't be done. But the more we make excuses, the more we become susceptible to failure in life. We place ourselves in a defensive stand of powerlessness. Here's 10 common excuses you'll hear in Children's Ministry when things aren't going well.
1. "I'm not creative."
Everyone has creativity. You simply have to know how to draw it out. Get in a room with 5-6 people. Decide up front there are no bad ideas. Start throwing ideas out there. You'll be amazed at how creative you really are.
2. "I don't have a big enough budget."
You will never have a big enough budget. There will always be more needs, ideas, and positions than there is money. It's not what you don't have...it's what you do with what you do have.
3. "I can't get volunteers."
People want to make a difference. People want to be a part of something bigger than themselves. Many times it's how we are asking.
4. "We can't change. We've always done it this way and people don't want to change."
Remember change should be a process instead of a surprise. Start the change with one person and gradually let it grow out from there.
5. "I am not talented enough."
Yes you are...as a team. It's not what you can do individually...it's what you can do together. Prevailing Children's Ministries are built on teamwork not individual talent. Teamwork will make the dream work.
6. "Children's ministry is not a priority at our church."
Be the squeaky wheel. Share with people the importance of Children's Ministry. Tell the stories of what God is doing. I guarantee you when people see and hear about the fruit of your Children's Ministry, it will quickly become a priority.
7. "Our calling is to take people deeper. We focus on believers instead of outsiders."
We are all called to help believers grow closer to Jesus. But...you can't disciple empty seats. Jesus came to seek and save those who are lost. His heart beats for those who don't know Him. If your "holy huddle" is not concerned for the lost around you, then it's not "holy."
8. "We've tried before and failed."
Don't let the past prevent you from what God has for you now. Forget past failures and press forward for the prize of the high calling of God. The front windshield is a lot bigger than the rear view mirror for a reason.
9. "We're not in a big city."
No matter what size city you are in...there are plenty of people around you who need Jesus. Reach out to them.
10. "We don't have a nice children's building."
Take the facility He has provided and make sure it's clean. Use kid-friendly colors. Use what you have to make it creative as you can. But remember...buildings don't change people's lives. God uses people to change people's lives.
Remember the story of the servant in Matthew 25? He didn't prevail with the talents the Master had given him because he was full of excuses that were rooted in fear. Let's lay aside our excuses and pursue what God has called us to do.
What are some other excuses we make in Children's Ministry? How can we overcome them? Would enjoy seeing your thoughts in the comment section below.
Posted by Dale Hudson