Recent stats show...
- 800 million users and growing exponentially.
- More than 900 million objects that people interact with (pages, groups, events and community pages).
- Average user is connected to 80 community pages, groups and events.
- On average, more than 250 million photos are uploaded per day.
- More than 350 million active users currently access Facebook through their mobile device.
- MORE IMPORTANTLY...Your attendees...students...are on Facebook.
- Number of users increased by 59% last year.
- MORE IMPORTANTLY...Your attendees...students...are on Twitter.
- Over 5 billion text messages are sent every day.
- Average student sends over 3,300 text per month.
- Over 98% of text messages get read.
- MORE IMPORTANTLY...Your attendees...students...use text.
Check out this short video that shows the importance of using these tools.
If you're not using these tools to communicate, disciple, and connect with the people in your ministry, why not? Let 2012 be the year you jump in.
You can get tips on how to use these tools at these posts...
Posted by Dale Hudson