Vintage Children's Ministry Songs...Do You Remember Any of These?

I heard a vintage Children's Ministry song the other day.  It brought back memories of songs I sang as a child growing up in church.  Thought it would be fun to make a list of some of them.  If you grew up in church, do you remember any of these?  What are some other songs you sang as a child in church?

Deep and Wide
Yes, Jesus loves me
Jesus loves the little children
Father Abraham (now that was an aerobic workout)
If you're saved and you know it...
Stop and let me tell you (even came with a fake stop sign on a stick)
His banner over me is love
No, you can't get to heaven without s-a-l-v-a-t-i-o-n
I'm in the Lord's Army
The B-I-B-L-E
I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy...down in my heart
This little light of mine

Posted by Dale Hudson