Are You Following Ratios in Your Children's Ministry?

It's important to set ratios in your Children's Ministry and follow them.  Here are some of the benefits... 
  • Effective learning can take place.  You can move from “crowd control” to interactive, hands-on learning. 
  • Safety is increased.  Leaders can supervise children more closely which leads to fewer accidents.  Fire evacuation plans can be more efficiently followed. 
  • Leader retention goes up.  Nothing will burn out a leader faster than putting them in a room where the ratio is way out of proportion.  They will leave frustrated and even the best leader will wonder if they can do it again next week.  When you honor your ratios you are honoring your leaders.  You are making their ministry doable and rewarding. 
  • The children enjoy the experience more.  Children can get stressed when they are put in crowded situations where there are not enough toys, not enough personal attention, and not enough personal space for play.  Proper ratios will help them relax and have fun.
Here is the ratio we follow...
  • Infants – 1 to 2
  • Crawlers – 1 to 3
  • Toddlers – 1 to 4
  • 2 year olds – 1 to 4
  • 3 year olds  - 1 to 8
  • 4 year olds – 1 to 8
  • 5 year olds thru 5th grade – 1 to 10
What are some other benefits of following ratios?
What ratios do you follow?
What are some challenges you face with ratios?

Would enjoy seeing your thoughts in the comment section below.