Parents are also the biggest influence in their child's life and when kids see their parents modeling service, the impact is exponential.
Families can be greeters together. It is awesome to walk up to a church and see a whole family greeting people at the doors.
Families can participate in community service projects together. Create opportunities for families to get out into the community and be the hands and feet of Jesus.
Families can raise money to meet needs together. Last year, we hosted a family yard sale. Each family brought items from home and set up a table in the church parking lot. They raised over $1,300.00 in one day that went toward stopping human trafficking.
Families can participate in outreach events together. At Thanksgiving, we prepare meals for the needy in our community. It is wonderful seeing families participating in this together.
What are some other ways to get families serving together?
What are some things you have done to get families serving together?
Share your thoughts in the comment section below.
Posted by Dale Hudson