"I Blew It" Book Review

My friend, Brian Dollar, recently released a book called "I Blew It."  Brian is the Children's Pastor at First Assembly of God in Little Rock and the founder of High Voltage Kid's Ministry Resources that produces curriculum and media resources that have been used in over 5,000 churches.

"I Blew It" is filled with Children's Ministry wisdom.  Wisdom that comes from the best teacher...

This book is written from the front lines of ministry.  Brian unpacks 12 key lessons he's learned along the way.  Here's some of the ones that God spoke to me about as I read the book.
  1. Assuming every good idea is a God idea.
  2. Allowing my greatest strength to become my biggest liability.
  3. Being blind to my weaknesses and flaws.
  4. Allowing fear to keep me from taking risks.
  5. Becoming self-reliant instead of trusting God to use me.
Whether you are a rookie or veteran in Children's Ministry, this book will help you grow as a leader.  I encourage everyone to get a copy and make this great investment in your ministry.  It's available at this link.

Brian, thank you for sharing these valuable ministry lessons with us.