- You don't have time to stop and celebrate the wins.
- You often have to use your day off to get everything done.
- You can't find a free week to take vacation or the only way you can take vacation is by missing something.
- You don't have time to stop and evaluate what you're doing.
- You often ask families to be at the church campus more than one night a week.
- Ministries compete for use of rooms.
- Ministries have big events that are too close together or even overlap.
- Families often have to "divide and conquer" to be a part of multiple things going on at the same time.
- Families sometimes skip weekend services because they are worn out from weekday programs or special events.
- You have more than one special event per quarter.
- The quality of weekend services suffers because of weekday programs.
- Instead of having a few programs that are well-staffed by volunteers, you have lots of programs that are understaffed by volunteers.
- Volunteers are serving in more than one program in your Children's Ministry.
The best thing you can put on your calendar may be some eraser marks.