Reality...we work weekdays and weekends.
People think...we only lead children.
Reality...we lead adults just as much as we lead children.
People think...our favorite food is goldfish crackers.
Reality...our favorite food is anything but goldfish crackers.
People think...ministry slows down in the summer.
Reality...ministry intensifies for us in the summer.
People think...lessons, crafts, and programs just magically happen. takes a lot of time, effort, and planning to make it happen.
People think...we play with puppets all week.
Reality...we pray with volunteers all week.
People think...our wardrobe only consists of children's ministry t-shirts.
Reality...we have normal shirts as well, but they hang in the closet on weekends.
People think...we listen to Veggie Tale's music in the car.
Reality...we listen to U2 or _________ in the car.
People think...what we do in one hour will outweigh what parents do all week at home.
Reality...what parents do at home far outweighs what we do at church.
People think...we are childcare.
Reality...we are ministers at the most critical time in a person's life.