One Word That Will Make or Break You in Children's Ministry

There's a good chance if you're reading this, you're a people pleaser.  Most people in ministry are.  It stems from our desire to help people.  The good side of this...God uses you to impact people.  The down have a hard time saying "no."

The word "no" doesn't come easy, does it?  But you have to learn to use this word, if you're going to be effective for the long haul.

You gotta' say "no" to people who ask you to do something during your family time.

You gotta' say "no" to a crowded calendar.  Be focused on being productive...not on being busy.  They're not the same thing.

You gotta' say "no" to lots of good programs and events so a few programs and events can become great.

You gotta' say "no" to working on your day off.

You gotta' say "no" to people who constantly drain you.

You gotta' say "no" to good ideas so God ideas can thrive.

You gotta' say "no" to being away from your family every night of the week.

You gotta' say "no"  to being at every activity that happens at the church.

You gotta' say "no" to church events that conflict with an important event in your child's life.

You gotta' say "no" to trying to make everyone happy.  Accept the fact that no matter what you do, someone will be unhappy.

Go ahead...say it.  NO.  It's a word that will make or break you in ministry.