- LEGOs were first created in Denmark in the 1940′s.
- The word LEGO comes from the Danish phrase “leg godt” which means “play well”. It is also loosely interpreted in Latin as “I put together”.
- If all the LEGO blocks ever produced were evenly distributed to all the people in the world, each person would have 62 bricks.
- About 18 bricks out of every million produced fail to meet the standard required.
- LEGO factories recycle all but about 1% of their plastic waste per year.
- About 36 billion LEGOs are produced every year, or 1140 elements per second.
LEGOS are a great tool to teach kids God's Word. Here's an example of a lesson I taught recently using Lego's.
The lesson was about the church.
The lesson was about the church.
- Had the kids work together to build a church building with the LEGOS.
- Asked them if the church was a building?
- Explained that the church is people not a building.
- Had the kids say, "I am the church."