VBS...Camps...Day Trips...Outreach Events...Preschool Events...the list went on and on.
And then Fall would come. And we would enter Fall...exhausted. At a time when we should have been hitting on all cylinders, we were running on fumes. Why? We had burned most of our tank during the summer.
We've learned that we should put most of our time, energy, resources, and events where we get the most return. For us, that's the weekend service. Week in and week out, we keep that our main focus...even during the summer. When people ask if we do VBS, I say, "Yes...every weekend."
We still do a few things during the summer...but not much. Why? Because we want to go into the Fall with a full tank.
How busy is your summer? If it's causing you to go into the Fall riding on fumes, you may want to consider cutting some things.
Busyness doesn't always equal effectiveness.