Why You Should Question Everything in Your Children's Ministry

This week I am leading our children's ministry team in a retreat (we call it an advance).

Today we spent the entire day working on ourselves as leaders.  We spent time with Jesus, had a Bible study, talked about personal responsibility and sharpened some of our ministry skills.

Tomorrow we will spend the entire day in strategic planning.  A big part of this will be questioning everything we do.  We'll take every part of our ministry and ask these and other questions.
  • Does this still correlate with our goals?
  • Is this still helping us accomplish our purpose?
  • Is this overlapping or duplicating something else we are doing?
  • Are we seeing lives changed through this?
  • Is it working?
  • Does it need to be tweaked or adjusted?
  • How can we improve it?
  • Do we need to stop doing it?
Question everything in your ministry on a regular basis.  If you don't, you'll find yourself busy but ineffective.  Just because it worked yesterday doesn't mean it will work today.