They choose effectiveness over busyness. They are very focused in what they do.
They say no to a lot of things and yes to a few things. Everything on their calendar is a step toward their goals.
Instead of diluting their volunteers, resources, and efforts with a lot of mediocre programs, they channel them into a few things done with excellence.
They have Senior leadership who doesn't just say they believe in children's ministry, but actually make it a priority. This is evident in budgeting, promotion, staffing, and facilities.
They constantly evaluate everything and make changes. Things are constantly shifting. They let go of things that don't work. What's coming is talked about much more than what was.
The children's ministry is on par with the rest of the church. It's rare to find a thriving children's ministry that is part of a church that isn't. A culture of excellence normally runs through the entire church.
They have an outward focus. They cater to outsiders instead of insiders. Their heart beats for people who are away from God.
They have a dynamic volunteer team. Behind every dynamic children's ministry is a dynamic volunteer team.
The volunteer team is engaged, equipped, and empowered for the work of the ministry. There is also a sense of family and fun among them.
They have the "it" factor. What is "it?" They can't put their finger on it, but they have a sense that God's hand is on the ministry in a special way.
There is a God factor that causes them to walk with Godfidence. They are very aware that what is happening is way beyond their "ability."
What are some other traits you've observed in successful children's ministries? Share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.