The Best Children's Ministry Consultant

I have great news for you!  The world's best children's ministry consultant is available to help your ministry!

Here is what this amazing consultant offers.
  • The latest info. on kid culture.
  • Great insight on how to connect with today's kids.
  • In depth analysis of your children's ministry programs. 
  • Evaluation about what is effective and what is not.
  • Expert advice about how to make your rooms kid-friendly.
  • Lesson evaluation and improvement steps.
  • Analyzed data on what kids are learning.
  • Training tips for your volunteers.
And here's the best news.  This consultant's services are free of charge!  That's right.  No charge. Ready for the contact info.?  Okay here it is.

It's the KIDS in your ministry.

That's right!  The best consultant for your children's ministry are the children and families who attend.  No one knows what kids like more than kids!  They can tell you what's working, what's not working, what's trending and much more.

How do you get them to do a consultation for you?   In this post, I share how to get great ideas and insight from kids through a kids' focus group.  You can read more here. 
