20 Best Parts of Being a Children's Ministry Leader

Knowing I'm playing a small part in helping kids discover the big plan God has for their lives.

Hearing a child's prayers.

Listening to children worship.

Seeing kids I invested in serving God now as adults.

Watching volunteers flourish in their spiritual gifts.

Seeing parents leading their child to Jesus at the end of a faith commitment class.

Watching parents baptize their children.

Watching kids "get" the lesson.

Kids coming back to serve in children's ministry as teenagers and adults.

Watching God use kids to bring entire families to Christ.

The laughs and giggles that echo down the hallway.

Investing in young parents as they prepare to dedicate their newborn child to God.

Hearing stories of kids living out their faith during the week.

Doing life with staff and volunteers.

Having access to candy...lots of candy.

The feeling you have after a weekend of great services.

Seeing a child's face light up when they walk through the doors.

Watching God work through kids as they serve in the community.

Babies resting peacefully in the arms of a loving nursery volunteer.

Seeing a child smile because you spoke encouragement and confidence into his life.

Your turn.  What are your favorite parts of children's ministry?  Share with us in the comment section below.