Many churches ban concealed weapons. They say it goes against religious teachings of non-violence and that guns shouldn't be in a place of worship. They argue that God's response to violence is never greater violence. And many states specifically ban guns in church.
But a number of states have recently passed laws allowing concealed weapons in churches. Approximately 25 states now allow concealed carry weapons in churches.
Personally, I believe it is vital to protect your children's ministry. Here's what that looks like for us.
- An armed police officer is present in our children's ministry area during all weekend services. This person is hired and in uniform.
- Everyone must present a printed ID badge before being allowed to enter a children's ministry area.
- Once service begins, all children's ministry areas are locked down.
- We have a volunteer security team that patrols all areas. Many of these are police officers or former police officers who carry a concealed weapon.
- For clarity - none of the people mentioned above come into the children's ministry rooms. They are outside the door or in the hallways. I would never recommend having someone with a concealed weapon inside the room with the kids.
What do you believe? Should guns be used to protect children's ministries? Do you have people who are armed present in your children's ministry areas? Weigh in and share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.