An Inside Look at Our Newest Children's Building

This past weekend was the grand opening of our new building at our Stuart Campus.

We started this campus in a high school 8 years ago.
Amazing volunteers served faithfully week in and week out for these years setting up in the school.  God honored their faithfulness and the preaching of His Word and the campus has grown and grown and grown.

A couple of years ago, God opened the door for us to purchase over 320 acres for a permanent facility for this campus.  Since then we've been planning, preparing and constructing the facility.  All the hard work was so worth it as we saw thousands of people walk through the doors for the grand opening and dozens of people step across the line of faith.

A building is simply a tool you can use to help build people.  As our pastor said - It's not about's about people.  I look forward to seeing all the kids and families whose lives are going to built up in this new facility.

Here's an inside look at the children's building.  The final touch will be added this fall when a tree with slides is added to the indoor playground.   The theming was done by Wacky World Studios, Little Mountain Productions as well as some in house items.