10 Simple Things You Can Do to Make Guest Families Happy

Want to put a smile on the faces of new families who walk through your church doors?  Here's 10 simple ways to give guests a great first experience.

1. Open the door for them when they enter and welcome them.
2.  Smile!  Smiles bring smiles. 
3. Introduce yourself and find out their names.
4. Talk with them instead of at them and listen to them...really listen to them.
5. Have a special area where they can register quickly without having to wait in line.
6. Have a welcome gift for their child.
7. Explain your safety and security system.
8. Walk them to their classrooms instead of pointing.
9.  When they thank you, respond by saying, "It's my pleasure."
10. Open the door for them as they're leaving and thank them for coming.

What are some other ways to make first-time guest families smile?  Share your ideas with everyone in the comment section below.