Simple children's ministry...
- has a focused, clear strategy
- thinks discipleship steps instead of programs and events
- keeps ministry areas aligned with the strategy
- does a few things with excellence
- eliminates the unnecessary
- Netflix
- Publix
- Amazon
- Chipolte
- Dunkin' Donuts
- Burger King
- Pizza Hut
When growth begins, the tension of complexity will resurface and come back into play. The natural bent is to move toward complexity. It takes hard work to remain simple. As you grow, you must remain very intentional about keeping processes and steps simple. You must be committed to saying no to "good opportunities" that are complexity in disguise.
How do you create a simple children's ministry model? Here's a blueprint.
1. Define who you are as a ministry.
2. Define what your discipleship goals are for kids and families.
3. Create simple steps they can take to get there.
4. Let the steps dictate your ministry calendar and programming.
5. Build your staff and volunteer team to support the steps.
6. Say no to anything that is not part of the steps or strategy.
7. Constantly evaluate the effectiveness of the steps you have in place. Tweak and adjust as needed.
Look across the country and you'll see the most effective children's ministries follow this simple model. If you feel like you're spinning your wheels, it could very well be due to the complexity of your ministry. Remember...less truly is more. Simplifying can be a catalyst for children's ministry success.