Great New Resource Explains Baptism to Kids

All About Baptism For Kids is a one-session class that helps kids understand baptism.  The class answers questions like...

  • What is baptism?
  • Why should I be baptized?
  • When should I be baptized?
It is designed for kids and their parents to attend together and provides follow-up tools that parents can use to help prepare their children for baptism.  The class has helped hundreds of kids and parents follow Jesus in baptism and is a great resource for ministries that want to see families take that step.  This comprehensive curriculum includes...
  • Introduction and instructional video
  • Teacher/Facilitator script with binder
  • 10 student booklets (full color with 12 pages)
  • 10 parent booklets (full color with 14 pages)
  • 10 pre-class activity pages (full color)
  • Class handout files that are editable and ready to print
  • Teaching videos on DVD and in data file format
  • Media presentation for PowerPoint and ProPresenter
  • Ready-to-go media files you can place in other presentation software such as Media Shout, Keynote, etc.
  • Promotional posters that are editable and ready to print
  • Baptism certificate templates you can edit for your ministry
This resource is designed to accompany the Starting Line Class curriculum.  It is recommended you take kids through the Starting Line Class (or another faith commitment curriculum) before you take them through this class.

You can order this resource at  Below is more information and samples from the curriculum.