Children's Ministry...the Ripple Effect

I've recently gotten connected with a children's ministry leader who serves in a communist country.  He leads an underground network of over 30,000 children's ministry leaders who minister to hundreds of thousands of kids. 

I asked him how he came to faith and he shared his story with me.  He is a 4th generation believer.  In the early 1900's, a missionary from Houston, Texas came to his country and told his great, great grandfather about Jesus.  From the seed that was planted there have now been four generations of people serving Jesus in this communist land.  Wow...think about the ripple effect that it has caused and all the people who have been reached and will continue to be reached. 

This reminded me of the ripple effect of children's ministry.  When you tell a child about Jesus, you never know the ripple effect that it will start.  And that's one of the coolest things about children's ministry to see fruit now...and you can rest assured that there will be continued fruit for generations to come because of the Gospel seeds you sow. 

If you're like times you've wondered if you were really making a difference.  Rest assured you are.  Just keep planting those Gospel seeds.  You are causing ripples that will continue for eternity...and the full extent of won't see until sometime in the future when you are in heaven and have a better view of the full picture.