Move Your Children's Ministry Leadership to the Next Level with Advance Coaching

You've probably heard this statement.

"If you see a turtle sitting on top of a fence post, it probably didn't get there by itself."

It's true, isn't it?  We all need people who help us grow and stretch to new levels.  

I'm thankful for the people who have invested in me over the years.  People who have challenged me, helped me see blind spots, believed in me and taught me valuable lessons.

All of us need a coach, don't we?  Especially if you are leading in children's ministry.  Children's ministry is one of the most challenging areas to lead in the entire church.  You interact with kids, students, adults, grandparents, volunteers and other staff members.  You have to enlist and equip volunteer teams, come up with creative ideas, navigate conflict, follow up with guests, walk with families through difficult times and so much more.  And most of this you simply can't learn from a textbook or college classroom.  You need people to come alongside you and coach you through the challenges of leading in children's ministry.

My heart is to help other children's ministry leaders thrive in ministry.  To see them not just get by, but have the ability and knowledge to move their ministries forward.  To reach kids and families and make a significant impact in their community.

That's why I started Advance Children's Ministry Leadership Coaching.

My coaching is not based in theory alone, but in 28 years of hands on, proven children's ministry leadership experience.  I have helped build and lead some of the largest and fastest growing children's ministries in the country.

ADVANCE children's ministry coaching includes...
  • 6 months of coaching.  The next session is from January to June of 2018.
  • Monthly coaching video call.  These are live, one-hour sessions on the important topics listed below.  Each session includes teaching and group discussions.
    • January - Self Leadership
    • February - Leading Staff and Volunteers
    • March - Leading through Change and Challenges
    • April - Keys to Growing a Ministry
    • May - Creating a Dynamic Children's Ministry Culture in Your Church
    • June - Staying Relevant in Children's Ministry
  • Personalized growth plan. 
  • Copy of my books.
  • Online support forum for asking questions, sharing ideas, etc. 
Space is limited for this opportunity.  You can get more information and apply at this link.  Deadline to apply is December 22, so apply today. 

6 months from now you can be a much better leader.  6 months from now you can be equipped and ready to move your ministry to the next level.  Join us and see it happen.