What Parents Are Looking For & How You Can Provide It

As a ministry leader, I'm sure you've realized that an important goal is to connect with parents.

Like never before, ministries are seeking to influence parents.  You get it.  You understand that you influence children by influencing their parents.

That leads us to the question - How can you best resource parents and make it worth their time to engage with your strategy?

There are lots of different strategies and topics you can focus on for this.  But even better, if you can figure out what they are really interested in, then you can focus on influencing them through that avenue.

Child Trends, a research company, recently released some findings that can give us a clearer picture of what parents are looking for. 

Most young parents lack the parenting knowledge they need and want.  First-time parents of infants and toddlers especially want to know more about parenting, but have a difficult time obtaining clear and trustworthy information.

There is a limitless amount of information about parenting online.  Parents often turn to the internet for information, support and guidance.  But there is so much information available that it can be overwhelming for young parents.

Interesting enough, research confirms what we already knew, parents' knowledge-seeking occurs most often when their child is transitioning.  Parents say they are more actively seeking out information when their child is entering a new developmental stage.

During the weeks and months leading up to a transition, parents are searching for help.  They search online through sources like Google, Facebook, YouTube and Pinterest.  They may also turn to their parents and grandparents as well for advice.

Equipped with this knowledge, you can create a solid parenting strategy that will allow you to meet the needs of families inside and outside of your church.
Hold general parenting classes at least 2-3 times a year.  Have a solid, Biblically-based curriculum that you share with parents.  If you'd like some suggestions, feel free to email me and I can give you some ideas.  Also be strategic, about when you place the classes on the calender.  Remember to place them near or leading up to a transition period.

Have a milestone class and celebration for the transition periods.  As I mentioned, when their child is going through a transition, parents focus on getting help and information.  You can help parents big-time by having a special class and celebration for each transition period.  I have created milestone classes for each transition. You can get more info. below.  There is also a discount shown below if you want all 5 transition kits.

What an awesome, extraordinary privilege it is to be a parent.  From the time they are infants, until they are walking across the platform to receive their degree, you have the opportunity to influence them.

And what a great opportunity you have as a ministry leader, to influence parents who will in turn influence their children.  I can tell you from experience, one of the best things you will ever do for your ministry is to implement these transition periods.  You will see incredidble fruit in the lives of kids and parents.  You will see parents come to Christ.  You will see children come to Christ.  You will see the trajectory of families lives changed through His Word.

You can get all 5 milestones at a discounted price by clicking here. (see below for more info.)

You can also purchase individual classes at this ink.