Smart Phone Addiction Among Parents
11:43 AM
Dale Hudson
40% of teenagers are concerned about the amount of time their parents spend on their phone.
So as parents, what can we do to prevent being ruled by our smartphones?
Set the example. It's not effective to ask your children to put their phone down when you are on yours.
Put the phone down during meals. Make the dinner table a "no phone zone." Instead, spend time talking face to face. And "Facetime" doesn't count.
Spend more time playing with our kids outside. Leave the phones inside and get outside for some fun in the sun.
Don't bring work home. It can be difficult to leave work at the office if you have a smart phone. You set it down for 15 minutes at home and when you pick it back up, there are 21 messages waiting for you from work. And then you feel obligated to respond, especially if your boss sent the message. Don't give in to this. Have a conversation with your boss and let them know you would prefer to not be required to answer work related things when you are home with your family. If he or she says "no," it may be time for a more family-friendly place to work.
Set boundaries. Establish times when you will not answer your phones unless it is an emergency.
Your turn. Do you think parents are addicted to their phones? What boundaries do you set in your home for smart phone usage? Do you struggle yourself with smart phone addiction? Share your thoughts, tips and insight in the comment section below.