How many kids are attending your ministry compared to the same time last year?
I often share stats about Millennial parents and how they are attending church less often than their Gen X and Baby Boomer parents. Since fewer Millennial parents are attending church, that means fewer of their Gen Z children are attending as well. This is a contributing factor to the 13% of Gen Z kids who say they are atheists. Yes, you read that correctly. 13% of Gen Z kids are atheists. This is double the amount of adults who are atheists.
Bottom line. We've got to start reaching more Gen Z kids and their parents so God's kingdom can be expanded and exalted.
So how can you grow your ministry? How can you get out of the rut you are in? How can you reach unchurched kids and their families?
The good can be done. No matter where you live or what the culture is, you can still reach kids and families. God is still at work. He wants to use you to make a difference in your community.
We saw a church in Las Vegas, where I was the children's pastor, grow by hundreds of kids of each year. The people we reached were not from other churches in the area (it's Vegas - remember), but were unchurched people, many of whom were far from God before we reached out to them.
What you don't need is transfer growth. Instead, you need growth that comes from reaching kids and families who are far from God.
I can help you with this. Together, we can grow your children's ministry. Here are a few things I do to help churches and children's ministries kick start their growth.
A Coaching Program for children's ministry leaders. 6 months of coaching with monthly growth lessons and key strategies you can use to get growing. You can see more about this here at this link.
On-Site ministry evaluation. I'll help you identify key factors that are standing in the way of you growing and how to overcome them.
Phone / Skype consultation. We can spend an hour examining key elements of your strategy and current status and use this to help you get to a healthy place of growth. You can see more about that here at this link.
Curriculum. I offer curriculum that is designed to lead children and parents to Jesus. Using the Starting Point (new believers' class) and Baptism for kids (baptism class for kids), we have seen thousands of kids come to Jesus and hundreds of their parents as well. More info. here. Using this strategy we saw over 460 kids accept Jesus into their live and follow Him in baptism in one year.
We also offer weekly curriculum. Each curriculum series clearly shares the Gospel and points kids to faith in Christ.
The goal of growth should not be to grow your ministry to be the biggest and coolest ministry in town. Rather it should be to reach every man, woman and child in your city with the Gospel. The numbers simply represent people who far from God coming to Him.
I pray this article will stir up within you a fresh, holy hunger to reach more people for Jesus. Let's partner together in this endeavor. Contact me and let's get started. God is able to do more than you could ever imagine.