Hey friends, I am excited to announce that my new book "Lead Well in Children's Ministry" is now available.
Everything rises and falls on leadership...and that includes children's ministry.
In this book of over 300 pages, I draw from over 30 years of ministry experience and share how to lead well in 10 key areas.
Lead Yourself Well
Lead the Ministry Well
Lead Up Well
Lead Staff and Volunteers Well
Lead Through Change Well
Lead Through Challenges Well
Lead the Next Generation Well
Lead Parents Well
Lead Multi-Site Well
Lead Well for the Future
Here's a short video with more info. If you get this in an email and can't see it - you can see the video directly at this link. - https://vimeo.com/366782256
You can purchase the book at this link. It is available as both an ebook and paperback.
Thank you for the opportunity to partner with you in ministry.