Hey friends, want to tell you about a new curriculum series I am releasing today. It's called Krum's Crazy Kitchen and features a chef character named Krum.
Krum is cooking up some crazy, fruity dishes while he teaches kids about the fruit of the Spirit. This 5-week series helps kids learn to love and respect others through showing the fruit of the Spirit.
Lessons include...
- Week 1 - The Kiwi of Kindness
- Week 2 - The Strawberries of Self-Control
- Week 3 - The Grapes of Goodness
- Week 4 - The Pineapple of Peace
- Week 5 - The Figs of Faithfulness
- graphics for posters, social media, promotions
- graphics for slides for Power Point, Pro Presenter, Media Shout, Keynote
- 5 weeks of lesson videos
- 5-minute video countdown
- 5 weeks of lessons that can be used in large group format, small group format, traditional classroom format, mid-week format
- lessons are editable and flexible to fit your specific ministry context
- small group leader guide that's easy-to-use and requires little prep
- hands-on, experiential, interactive learning
- connects with all learning styles
- games that bring fun and learning together
- take home pages for each week
- and much more
Click here to see sample group leader plan
Sample video below (if you are reading this in an email, go to this link to see the video - https://vimeo.com/403729555)
You can get more information and order the series at this link.