COVID-19 has been disastrous on so many levels. Family members have been lost. Grandmothers and grandads have had to say good-bye to their grand kids prematurely. Families are having to scale back or even shut down their family business. Family finances have been crushed. Jobs have been lost. We could go on and on listing the damage the virus has caused and will continue to cause for an uncertain amount of time.
That being said, when it comes to families, there have been a few positive things that have emerged. A big one is this - in many cases, families have been able to spend more time together. And that is a big win.
In the toy industry, game and puzzle sales are up 228%!!! Building set sales are up 76%!!! Arts and crafts sales are up 70%!!! And sports toy sales are up 20%!!! Board games have doubled in popularity among kids ages 5 to 18 in the last few months.
Can anyone say "Family Game Night?" Yes, these sales are strong indicators that families are spending more meaningful time together. Sales of products that families can do together is on the rise.
As you interact with families and provide parents with resources to lead their children spiritually, be thinking of ways you can use this time to help them grow relationally and spiritually.
Here are few ideas...
Create some simple family games that they can play. Tie the game into key Bible truths that you want them to grasp.
Provide questions where families have to use their Bible to find the answers.
Create some fun Bible memory games that can help kids memorize Scripture.
Provide families some fun, family devotions they can do together.
Bake some cookies together and enjoy eating them...fresh out of the oven with a glass of milk. Talk about some key spiritual ingredients that it takes to help you grow spiritually. Prayer. Bible study. Serving. Going to church. Sharing your faith.
These are just a few of the hundreds of ideas that families can use to grow together. If you want more ideas, a simple Google search for "family Bible activties, games, etc. will give you hundreds of options.
Encourage parents to take advantage of every moment and be intentional about spending extra time with their family while they are hibernating from the virus.
I know...the days are long. But remember the years are short. Families may never have an opportunity like this to spend lots of extra time with their kids.
I'd love to hear what you are doing at home with your kids during this time. In the comment section, share any games, crafts, activities and intentional play that you are using with your kids to help them grow in their faith.