And children's ministry has been no exception. No classes in many churches and other ministries. No normal mid-week activities. The launching of online children's ministry services. Big events like VBS either cancelled or done a different way.
We have been forced to make some major changes for now...and who knows...many of the changes may continue even after the pandemic has subsided.
Lots of kid's ministries have shifted their time and efforts to make sure online services and events can be done with excellent.
Let me ask you a very direct question. Are you tired? Are you looking for the hope that things will soon normalize. Knowing that we may be seeing the new normal to some extent. No one knows for sure and that can bring anxiety and even discouragement.
Perhaps you have even been thinking about throwing in the towel and stepping out of children's ministry leadership. We've all been there at times.
Now for the good news. I believe that our best days in children's ministry are ahead of us. The next generation wants to make a difference. They are watching us and we have such a great opportunity to model faithfulness, trust in God and passion to do whatever it takes to reach them.
I saw this video several months back and it was so encouraging. You may have seen it before this post. Either way, it's worth the watch. It will encourage you to not give up. It will grow your hope in the next generation. So watch this and be encouraged. You are a difference maker. Your best days of ministry are coming. Stick around and you will see it become reality. Keep dreaming. Keep your heart passionate for reaching kids and families. Keep investing in the kiddo's God has brought across your path.
Don't give up on the next generation. You have the opportunity to leave a legacy. Keep on keeping on!
Enjoy the song and may your heart be refilled with love and passion for the next generation.