Jesus' Birthday Offering - Teaching Kids to Give to Jesus This Christmas

It's normal for a child to be focused on what he or she is "getting" for Christmas.  As a child, I remember my "wish list" consumed many of my thoughts about Christmas.

But what if we turned the children's primary focus from what they are "getting" for Christmas to what they are "giving" for Christmas?  What a great opportunity to instill in children a heart of generosity and living for others.

Each year at Christmas, it's a great idea to encourage kids to give a special offering to Jesus.

I call it the "Happy Birthday Jesus' Offering."

Here's how it works.

Teach children and families that Christmas is about Jesus coming to the earth for us.  He should receive our best gifts at Christmas.  It is very important to teach the children the "why" behind the offering.  This moves it from something to "do" to something to "live out." 

Choose a need or project for the offering.  Children respond well when they have something specific to give toward.  Show them pictures and videos of what they will be giving toward (clean water for needy country, homeless shelter, funding a church building for a missionary, etc.).

Give children a pre-printed container to collect their offering in.  Another option is to print labels that kids can tape around a can or other container.

Communicate about the offering to parents and partner with them.  The goal should be to get the entire family involved. 

Give children ideas on how to collect money for the offering (ask for one of their presents to be money toward the offering, do chores, have a yard sale, etc.).

On the day of the offering, have a special place that kids can bring their offering to.  Here is an example.  

Another great idea is to let kids bring their offering in the adult service and place it up front sometime during the service. This will inspire the entire church when they see this.

I have seen kids respond by giving thousands of dollars.  Coin by coin, dollar by dollar, they make an impact.

After the offering, report back and let the kids know how much they gave and how their gift is being used to make an impact.  Celebrate this together.