We had been praying for weeks for a God-sized Easter. We asked God to do far beyond anything we could imagine. We knew we didn't just need another event...another worship song...another video clip...we needed God to show up and do what only He can do.
Over the weekend, there was a fresh move of God in every service. People came and came and came. Lives were touched and people came weeping at every service to step across the line of faith. When all the services were done over 28,000 people had walked through the doors and over 400 precious people had came forward to accept Jesus as Leader,Forgiver,and Friend.
Our children's team went over the top! 1,104 children's team members ministered to 3,366 children. We had over 300 new team members join us. The thousands of numbers were simply made of individuals. One person at a time whom God is impacting. I encouraged our team to look past the crowd and see individuals. It's not about big numbers, it's about reaching people one at a time with Christ's love.
Our team came up with a very creative way to share the Gospel with the children who came. Remember the movie Jumanji? Remember how the kids played the game and it came alive? For Easter, we created a live skit called "Game Alive."
We created a large game board for the skit. Two kids on stage were playing the game. As they landed on game spaces, the game came alive and retold the story of Easter. They landed on a cross space and smoke, lights, and noises exploded and a Roman soldier appeared carrying a hammer and three nails. He told how they nailed Jesus to the cross. As they continued to play the game, Joseph of Arimathea came out with a large stone and shared how they buried Jesus. This was followed by Peter coming out with the empty burial cloth and sharing how Jesus rose from the dead. All of this was supported by media,visual verses,and sound effects.
The kids were engaged and responded well. We created game boards for the kids that matched the one on stage. Each child got a game board and matching game pieces like a cross, stone, cloth, etc. We asked them to go home and share the story on the game board with their family and friends. We had several parents tell us that their kids went home and spent time that night going over the game board. Our prayer is that it will help them clearly understand the Gospel as well as be a tool they can use to share Christ with others. Below is a picture of the game board that we created. If you'd like a copy of the Game Alive script, you can contact me at dalehudsoncm2@gmail.com and I'll be glad to email you a copy.
I spent the weekend giving tours of our new children's building. We opened Phase 1 which includes an indoor park and the front hallways. We are hoping to open Phase 2 this fall. Thousands of people came through to see the new park. One cool feature is a two story slide. There were lots of "big" kids going down the slide...including myself. Below are some pictures of the opening.
One last note about Easter. We had someone walk through the doors unexpectedly...Bill Parcells.
Bill is the former head coach of my favorite team...the Dallas Cowboys. He is now the GM for the Miami Dolphins. I do not know if he is a believer but rejoice that He heard a clear presentation of the Gospel. He said he would be back.
Easter Recap
10:42 PM