We recently introduced something new with our volunteers. We handpicked a few key volunteers in each ministry area to be Children's Ministry Rock Stars. A Children's Ministry Rock Star is a high impact leader who models what it means to be a difference maker.
They wear a special shirt and badge that identifies them. Their specific role is to...
Think about the Rock Stars who serve in your Children's Ministry. Identify them, empower them, and let them shine!
Here is a picture of their shirt and badge. They even enjoy wearing the sunglasses!

They wear a special shirt and badge that identifies them. Their specific role is to...
- Champion Children's Ministry.
- Welcome and mentor new volunteers.
- Make new kids and families feel welcome.
- Invite other people to join the team.
Think about the Rock Stars who serve in your Children's Ministry. Identify them, empower them, and let them shine!
Here is a picture of their shirt and badge. They even enjoy wearing the sunglasses!