The Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards, also known as the KCAs, is an annual awards show that airs on the Nickelodeon cable channel. It honors the year's biggest television, movie, and music acts, as voted by Nickelodeon kid viewers. Winners receive a hollow orange blimp figurine, a logo outline for much of the network's 1984-2011 era.
The KCA website recently listed three key elements that make it such a big hit with kids. Here they are:
LAUGHTER. Pranks, jokes, crazy video elements, and funny sketches are used to bring lots of laughter.
- How much laughter is heard in the hallways and classrooms of our churches?
- Are kids having fun at our churches?
- Do kids leave our churches with smiles on their faces?
- Are we intentional at using humor to communicate truth?
SINGING. The most popular singers are brought in to lead the kids in songs they know and love.
- Do we place a high value on the quality of the worship leaders and music that we provide kids?
- Do we place a high value on the quality of the worship media and graphics that we provide kids?
- Are we using relevant music that today's kids can connect with?
- Do we use high school students that kids admire to help lead worship?
GAMES. Fun, messy games are incorporated into the show.
- Do we believe kids can learn through play?
- Do we intentionally tie games into the main point of the lesson?
- Do we let things get messy...even if it gets a stain on the carpet?
- Are our kidmin leaders willing to get in the middle of the game and get messy themselves?
Posted by Dale Hudson