According to the Census Bureau, the number of Americans living in multi-generational households has shot up, increasing by 4.9 million, or 10.5%, from 2007 to 2009.

- Two generations: parents (or in-laws) and adult children ages 25 and older (or children-in-law).
- Three generations: parents (or in-laws), adult children (or children-in-law), grandchildren.
- “Skipped” generations: grandparents and grandchildren, without parents.
The increase is primarily due to the economic downturn. The unemployed, whose numbers are growing, are much more likely to live in multi-generational households—25.4% did in 2009, compared with 15.7% of those with jobs. Under these circumstances, it is perhaps natural that more people would reach out to family for financial support.
What does this mean for our ministries?
How can we effectively minister to multi-generational households?
What are the positives for kids who are living in multi-generational households?
What are the negatives for kids who are living in multi-generational households?
How does this affect family ministry?
What do we need to change or adjust to meet the needs of multi-generational households?
Would enjoy hearing your thoughts in the comment section below.
Posted by Dale Hudson