How Disney World Identifies It's Team Members and What KidMin Can Learn From It

If you've ever been to a Disney Park, you know how to spot a team member.

Clothes.  Disney team members are dressed in a costume that coincides with the area of the park they work in.

How about your KidMin?  Do you provide your volunteers with a KidMin shirt, vest, smock, or some other clothing item to wear when they are serving?  It not only helps kids and parents recognize who they are, but it's also great PR for inviting other people to join your team. 

Smiles.  Disney team members are taught to smile.

It's important to fill your volunteer team with positive people who smile...especially the greeters.  Don't tolerate a grumpy attitude. 

Name Tags.  Disney team members wear name tags.

Do you require your volunteers to wear name tags when they are serving?  It's an important security piece as well as helpful for kids and parents who interact with them.

What other positives or negatives have you experienced with the above identification?
What other things do you do to identify your team members?

You can share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Posted by Dale Hudson