D6 kicked off today. I taught two sessions - Effectively Ministering to Parents Who Are Cohabiting and Postmodern Kidmin with a Family Ministry Focus. I will be posting the notes from these two sessions next Monday and Tuesday here at this site.
- Church is not an indoctrination into cultural morality.
- We have Jesus' words which are the words of life.
- We are teaching people not just to be a good citizens, but followers of Christ.
- Some think depth is just the facts.
- The Gospel renews everything.
- There is a difference between good advice and the good news
- of the Gospel.
- The Gospel is not "you do" it is is "Jesus did."
- Proclaim Jesus as Savior, not just example.
- Diagnose moralism in your own heart.
- Ground your application in the resurrection.
- God’s people are called to live in grace. It’s not dangerous to live in grace...it’s dangerous not to embrace grace.
- Core values for curriculum:
- Deep but not dry.
- Christ – centered
- Story focused
- Mission driven
- The Bible is not just for information. It is for transformation.
- If your teaching causes people to want to only be around Christians, then you have failed.
Modern film and literature is a mirror of the journey God takes us on.
- Starts out as ordinary
- Call to action
- Failure
- Mentor
- Trials
- Maturity
I will be posting notes from Day 2 tomorrow evening.