You must be able to build a relationship with adult volunteers. You can be the Pied Piper of kids, but if you can't connect with adults, you will fall flat. Make sure you spend a big part of your time caring for and pouring into the adults who lead the kids. The success of your ministry depends on the strength of your relationship with your volunteers.
The relationship you have with parents is just as important as the relationship you have with their kids. If you are truly going to impact children, then you must first impact their parents. The 7 day-a-week influence parents have with their children far outweighs the 1-2 hour influence you have with them. Spend time getting to know parents. Spend time teaching classes for parents. Spend time influencing parents.
Children are just like adults. They don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. Get to know the kids. Spend time talking with them. Give them your undivided attention.
Cultivate these 3 relationships and you will see your Children's Ministry flourish and fruit that remains will blossom.