Sondra Saunders is one of my heroes in Children's Ministry. She has been the Director of Children's Ministries at the great Prestonwood Baptist Church in the Dallas area for over 34 years.
Sondra, I honor you for your...
Friendship. She has been a friend to hundreds of children's ministers. She has personally impacted my life and ministry through phone conversations, conferences, and visits to her church.
In the fall of 2010, she allowed me to bring our Early Childhood team to visit and glean ideas from their ministry. Our team brought back so many valuable ideas. Sondra has been a mentor and friend to many.
Fruit. Sondra has been invaluable in the life of her church, reaching countless thousands of children and their families for Christ. Under her leadership, the children's ministry has grown to minister to thousands of kids each week.
Further learning. Some veteran children's ministers make the mistake of thinking they know it all. They develop a "been there...done that" mentality.
Not Sondra. She has always been committed to growing, learning, and looking for ways to improve her ministry. I have seen her sit in conference workshops taking notes when she probably knew more than everyone else in the room combined...including the speaker. She has taught me that "great leaders are always in school."
Facilities. Sondra has been a leader in creating cutting-edge space for children. She has led in the completion of several building projects designed just for kids. In many churches, the children's ministry space is an afterthought. Not at Prestonwood! The children's ministry building that is named after her is a testimony of a leader and church that loves kids and shows it by investing in facilities and resources.
Faithfulness. I once heard it said that "greatness in ministry is not measured in years...but in decades." I couldn't agree more and when I think of faithfulness in children's ministry...I think of Sondra.
Her life verse is, "Be ye therefore steadfast, always abounding in the work of the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 15:58
She has not just quoted this verse...she has lived it.
Thank you, Sondra, for being a hero, leader, and example that we can follow in children's ministry. We honor you!
If you know Sondra and would like to share what she has meant to your life, feel free to leave your notes in the comment section below.