Parents are equipped to be the primary spiritual leader of their child.
No one has more influence in a child's life than his or her parents. Your goal should be to partner with them and place tools in their hands that will help them be successful.
Each child is known by name.
Each child should have someone who knows them by name, whether it's their teacher, the Children's Pastor/Director or a volunteer.
Kids are coming to Christ.
Kids are inviting Jesus to be their Leader, Forgiver, and Friend.
Kids are growing in their relationship with Christ.
Kids are taking spiritual steps and developing spiritual disciplines that help them grow in their faith.
Each child is in a small group.
Children are in a group with 8-10 other children where they are known, build relationships, and are cared for. This format may be a Sunday School class, a mid-week program, or a breakout group. The main thing is not the format, but the connection.
A solid team of volunteers who are being equipped, encouraged, and empowered.
Without a solid team of volunteers, children's ministry is ineffective. It's not what you can do, it's what you can empower others to do.
Kids are having fun.
Kids are laughing, smiling, playing, and dragging their parents to church. By fun, I simply mean engaging. Kids love going where it's fun and hate going where they are bored.
What other goals do you believe a children's ministry should have?
What are some goals you have for the children's ministry you are part of?
We'd love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below.