These will be practical, high-impact ideas that you can immediately put to use in your ministry.
Here's this week's bright idea...
Have an after party for first-time guest families after your weekend services.
When guest families check-in before service, invite them to a brief after party that will take place after the service.
Have it in an easy-to-access, highly visible location. Have someone directing them to the location Have staff and key volunteers in the room. Have light food or snacks.
Make it brief. Let them come and go as they please. The main purpose is to connect with your guests and jump start building a relationship with them.
Have information about your ministry and simple next steps they can take to get connected.
If you'll do this, you'll retain a lot more of your first-time guests and see them get connected into your ministry.
Got a bright idea? We'd love to share your idea here next Friday. Just email it to One idea will be shared each week.