A recent poll from Gallup brings encouraging news. The report says that family dining is a part of everyday life for the majority of U.S. parents.
Fifty-three percent of adults with children younger than 18 say their family eats dinner together at home six or seven nights a week. And young parents are more likely to eat dinner together than parents who are over 35.
Married parents report that their family eats 5.3 dinners at home weekly, on average, compared with 4.8 dinners weekly among those who are not married. Below are more details.
Dinner is a key time parents can have spiritual conversations with their children. Providing tools for
these conversations is a great way you can resource parents. Some ideas are...
- Make placemats with Bible verses, questions, etc. that parents can have at the table.
- Provide take home papers parents can use at the dinner table.
- Provide Bible verse cards parents can use to help their children memorize scripture during dinner.
- Encourage parents to take time for prayer before each meal.
- Recommend devotional books families can read from at dinner.
What are some other ideas you have to resource parents for dinner time?
Share your ideas with us in the comment section below.